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Our Approach

Our goal is to shape and nurture creative business opportunities that can leave a positive impact. 


We’ve developed a 3-step approach that will incrementally define your opportunity and phase your spending accordingly.

STEP 1    Appraisal

We’ve seen a lot of land around the world and know what the ingredients are for a successful destination. 
Bring us to your site, share your ideas and your local intelligence and we’ll use our unique 250-point assessment tool to give you an early read on your opportunity.


STEP 2    Feasibility

Vision & Product    

Shaping a clear vision for your project is critical. Even more critical is shaping a vision that has market relevance! 
We’ll help you to craft a vision that is sustainable, leverages international tourism trends and has a sound economic foundation.

Master Plan    

What is the best place for a lodge and how big should it be? How is it serviced? Is a lodge even the right development? There are a lot of decisions to be made and each decision requires land.
We all have backgrounds in design so we aren’t afraid to break out the coloured pencils to put the vision to paper. Our master plan will maximise your site’s key attributes, be functional and cost effective. 

Feasibility & Valuation    

Goodbye coloured pencils, hello Xcel; in the end of the day, it’s a numbers game! There are a lot of project costs you can extract from a simple master plan if you know about infrastructure systems, hospitality area programs and construction rates. 
We’ll help you with your EBITDA’s, your IRR’s and your ROI’s to answer the most important question: Do you have a project worth pursuing?


STEP 3    Realisation

Professional Team    

Here come the architects in their black turtlenecks and the engineers speaking another language. We can translate the industry jargon make sure you have the right team of professionals with the right experience. This will save you time and money.

Planning & Entitlements    

In our experience, local knowledge is key. We work with local planners to devise creative approval strategies to achieve approvals efficiently with a good amount of flexibility to allow you to pivot if anything changes

Sales & Marketing       

We’re not personally trained in these dark arts, but we know a few witchdoctors that can sell ice to Eskimos. A clear concise message delivered through the correct channels is fundamental to getting your project on the right people’s radar.


If you’re in conservation, tourism or sustainable development, chances are you’re pioneering, and you’ve got a conscience. You need to find an investor that thinks the same way. We can help get it to the right people; philanthropists, impact funds and venture capitalists.

Management Plans    

From department structures, to constitutions, Home Owners Associations or sustainable management plans – it’s the invisible stuff that holds a project together in the long term. Let us help you figure out the backbone that supports your project and protects the long-term value of your asset.

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